Rhododendron anthopogon ssp. anthopogon

R. anthopogon 
Photo source: Hank Helm

Predominant Flower Color: 

White, Pink, Yellow 

Flower / Truss Description: 

Narrowly tubular with spreading lobes, white, pale yellow or pink. Truss holds 5-9 flowers. 



Bloom Time: 

Early Midseason 

Height (ft.) in 10 Yrs: 

Cold Hardiness Temperature: 

-5°F (-21°C)

Foliage Description: 

Leaves ovate to elliptic, rarely orbicular, up to 1⅜" long, very aromatic. 

Plant Habit: 

Small, compact shrub 

Elepidote (E) or Lepidote (L): 

Sub Genus: 




Sub Section: 


Geographical Origin: 

India (Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh), Nepal, Bhutan, China (S Tibet) 

Note: Bloom time and 10 year height information are approximate
and can vary dependent on weather and growing conditions.
Hardiness temperature is also an approximate value.

American Rhododendron Society
P.O. Box 43, Craryville, NY 12521
Ph: 631-533-0375   E-Mail: member@arsoffice.org
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