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ARS Research Proposal Application

Deadline for submitted applications is January 15th of each year.


1. Title of Proposed Project:


2. Project Leader:  Name, Address and Phone Number(s):


3. Proposed Duration of Project:
    Provide a timeline of the work, including milestones you expect to reach in each year and an estimated completion date.


4. Required Total Funding:  List major budget items. Give the justifications for them.


5. Provide the following information about your project: (max of five pages)

  • Project background and justification.

  • Project objectives.

  • Preliminary results, if any.

  • Potential problems that may be encountered and how they will be addressed.

  • Expected outcome and significance.

  • Work plan for coming year; outline of subsequent activities, if any.


6. Provide a brief biography of the Principal Investigator: (one page or less).


7. Signatures:

Project Leader(s): ____________________________________________

Department Head: ____________________________________________


Funding Terms and Conditions:
  See: The ARS Research Foundation: Grant Reporting Guidelines

To obtain the final 20% of the research grant funding the grantee must submit a final report consisting of:

1) accounting of funds and products,
2) a technical report of the findings, and
3) a layman's article deemed acceptable for publication in the Journal American Rhododendron Society (JARS).

Grantees are strongly encouraged, but not required, to submit scholarly publications on work funded by The Foundation to indexed, peer reviewed scientific journals.


Please submit each Research Proposal Application electronically to:


ARS Research Committee
Juliana S. Medeiros, Chairman
Holden Forests & Gardens
9550 Sperry Rd, Kirtland, OH 44094

American Rhododendron Society
P.O. Box 43, Craryville, NY 12521
Ph: 631-533-0375   E-Mail:
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