Rhododendron of the Year Plant Awards: 2023 Mid-Atlantic USA Region |
Elepidote Rhododendron: 'Cadis' Flower light pink, flushed yellow, 3½" to 5" across, wavy-edges, fragrant. Held in flat trusses with 9-11 flowers. Blooms late midseason. Leaves 2¾" long, light green. Dense, spreading habit. Typical height: 5 ft. in 10 yrs. Plant is hardy to -15°F (-26°C). Hybridized by Gable. |
Lepidote Rhododendron: 'April Rhapsody' Flower vivid purple, no markings, openly funnel-shaped, flat-edged lobes, 1⅔" across. Truss holds 3-9 flowers. Blooms early season. Leaves elliptic, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 1⅛" long, semi-glossy, moderate to light yellow-green, scaly below. Typical height: 2½ feet in 10 years. Dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -8°F (-22°C). Hybridized by Anderson. |
Evergreen Azalea: 'August to Frost' Flower white with a pale yellow-green blotch, broadly funnel-shaped, single, 2½" across, wavy edged lobes. Occasionally flowers have strong reddish purple stripes and sectors, or a prominent red/violet blotch, some with strong reddish purple selfs. Blooms continuously but sparingly on current growth from late summer to first hard frost. Leaves elliptic, broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 2" long, flat, semi-glossy, moderate yellowish green, with brownish orange hairs above and below. Grows to a typical height of 2 feet in 10 years. Plant hardy to at least -10°F (-23°C). Selected by Matlack. |
Deciduous Azalea: R. colemanii Flower white or pink, some with yellow blotch on upper lobe, tubular funnel-shaped, 1"-2" across. Inflorescence a shortened raceme of 8-10 flowers. Blooms midseason. Leaves obovate occasionally oblong, broadly acute apex cuneate base, mucronate, sparse hairs, 1½"-3⅛" long, dull or glossy green. Shrub grows to 6-7 ft. in 10 years. Hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Native species found in the eastern United States in southern Alabama and western Georgia |
Photos (top to bottom) by Don Hyatt, Karel Bernady, Don Hyatt, Ken Gohring. |
Prior Years Selections for Mid-Atlantic USA Region