American Rhododendron Society Web Site
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Welcome from Linda Derkach - ARS President:

On behalf of the thousands of rhododendron enthusiasts worldwide "welcome to our web site." Here you will find valuable resources which enable you to learn more about the selection and care of rhododendrons. We hope this will encourage you to explore all that the genus Rhododendron (which includes azaleas) has to offer, and you will include these wonderful plants in your garden.

"Take a look" at what we do in the Society...



About the ARS

Rhododendron Plant Care

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Society News

Rhododendron International Volume 7

The latest volume of this free online journal contains articles of interest to rhododendron aficionados. Read about new satsuki azalea hybrids, the Pukeiti NZ vireya collection, rhododendron gardens in Iceland, and maddenia rhododendrons at Logan Botanic Garden in Scotland.  These articles are deemed to have broad reader appeal.
Index of current and past RI issues.

Vireya.Net Website Transfer
Web content previously hosted at the website has been transferred to the website.

Find valuable information about the cultivation, history, distribution, and classification of vireya rhododendrons. View photos and descriptions of hundreds of vireya hybrid cultivars and species.

ARS Journal cover image

Informative articles about:
 - rhododendron & azalea culture,
 - propagation,
 - hybridizing,
 - private & public gardens,
 - plant portraits,
 - companion plants,
 - plant hunting exploration,
 - rhododendron research,
 - and much more.

Visit archive of previously published issues.


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2024 Honor Medals Awarded
The ARS takes great pleasure in presenting its Gold Medal honors to Ken Webb of the Victoria Chapter and Marc Colombel of the Scottish Chapter. Silver Medal honorees are Roy and Lois Blackmore of the Victoria Chapter, Linda Derkach of the Mount Arrowsmith Chapter and Mike McCullough of the De Anza Chapter. David Chamberlain, Ph.D. has been given the Pioneer Achievement Award for his important contributions to rhododendron taxonomy research.  View the ARS honors citations.

ARS Next-Generation Podcasts
Listen to "For the Love of Rhododendron" audio podcasts. In the podcasts we learn about the life experiences of ARS members, how random twists and turns in their lives led them to discover their love of Rhododendron. Our podcasts can inspire and inform others embarking on their own journey into the vast, uncharted territory that is plant genus Rhododendron. Podcast index

American Rhododendron Society
P.O. Box 43, Craryville, NY 12521
Ph: 631-533-0375   E-Mail:
©1998-2024, ARS, All rights reserved.