Rhododendron of the Year Plant Awards: 2025 Mid-Atlantic USA Region |
Elepidote Rhododendron: 'Bob Furman's Big Yellow' Flower inside light yellow with strong yellow-green spotting on three dorsal lobes, outside light to pale orange-yellow, broadly funnel-shaped, wavy-edged, 3" across, waxy, slightly scented. Domed shaped truss holds 12-14 flowers. Blooms midseason. Leaves elliptic, obtuse apex, rounded base, 5½" long, margins slightly wavy, up-angled from mid vein, semi-glossy, moderate olive green above. Grows to a typical height of 3 ft. tall in 10 years. Cold hardy to -15°F (-26°C). Hybridized by Furman. |
Lepidote Rhododendron: 'Blue Success' Flower very light violet inside, unmarked; outside light purple, broadly funnel-shaped, 1⅜" across, wavy edges. Ball-shaped truss has 10-12 flowers. Blooms early midseason. Leaves elliptic, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 2¼" long, de-curved margins, matte, deep green, with very light brown scales below. Dense plant habit. Reaches a typical height of 4 ft. in 10 years. Plant is cold hardy to -15°F (-26°C), buds hardy to -5°F (-21°C). Hybridized by Kehr. |
Evergreen Azalea: 'Venus' Baby' Flower light to pale purplish pink with a white blotch and light green spotting in dorsal throat, openly funnel-shaped with wavy-edged lobes, 4⅛" across, with occasional petaloid stamens, slightly fragrant. Two flowers per terminal bud. Blooms midseason. Leaves obovate, acute apex, cuneate base, flat, 2⅜" long, glossy, slightly fragrant, moderate yellow green, with discrete hairs colored white maturing to white or pale gold. Upright and spreading plant habit. Grows to 3 ft. in height in 10 yrs. Hardy to 0°F (-21°C). Hybridized by McDonald. |
Deciduous Azalea: 'Sweet Christy' Flower opens brilliant yellow, fading in time to paler yellow and then almost to white, with a yellow blotch either side of the center of the dorsal lobe, tubular funnel-shaped, very flat faced, 2½-3" across, fragrant. Ball-shaped to flat truss has 11-14 flowers. Blooms early midseason. Leaves broadly elliptic, acute apex with apiculus, cuneate base, 4-4½" long, dark green, hairy, in Fall becoming yellow with some pink and russet along edges, deciduous. Broad, rounded plant habit. Grows to about 4 feet tall in 10 years. Cold hardy to 10°F (-12°C). Raised from seed by De Wilde Nursery and selected by Magruder. |
Photos (top to bottom) by Don Hyatt, Don Hyatt, Don Hyatt, Don Hyatt. |
Prior Years Selections for Mid-Atlantic USA Region |