h.p. - Hand pollinated seeds.
c.p. - Controlled pollination. (Stigma covered after pollination)
o.p. - Open pollination.
c.w. - Collected in the wild.
com. - Companion plants.
Lots marked with strikethrough are "sold out".
Chris Trautmann, Oregon USA
25-001 h.p. Amy Goldlust X Bob Furman's Best Yellow
25-002 h.p. [(Golden Horseshow x macabeanum #1) X [(yakushimanum x rex) x macabeanum FGW1] Goal: Yellow flowered big leaf.
25-003 h.p. magnificum "A" - FGW1 x magnificum "B"
- FGW1 Goal: Foliage
25-004 h.p. magnificum "A" - FGW1 x magnificum "C" - FGW1 Goal: Foliage
25-005 h.p. magnificum "B" - FGW1 x magnificum "C" - FGW1 Goal: Foliage
25-006 h.p. protistum FGW1 x macabeanum FGW1 Goal: Big Leaf - Foliage
1 FGW = Flavell Garden West
Betty Ann Addison, Minnesota USA
25-007 h.p. Haaga X Slam Dunk
25-008 com. Lobelia cardinalis, Minnesota native form
Ken Griffith, North Carolina USA
25-009 h.p. (Anne Hardgrove x Brim #14) X Black Widow
25-010 h.p. (Anne Hardgrove x Whitney's Late Orange) X Black Widow
25-011 h.p. {[Dexter's Giant Red x (BFBY1 x Atlantic Gold)] x irroratum} X [(Yellow Pippin x Autumn Gold) x (Janet Blair x yellow decorum)] Goal: Yellows with red spots.
25-012 h.p. [(Pink Dawn x Oakland Moonlight) x BFBY1] X Bea McDonald
1 BFBY = Bob Furman' Big Yellow
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA
25-013 o.p. Atlantic Gold
25-014 h.p. auriculatum RSF 1458 X auriculatum RSF 1458 Two different plants.
25-015 h.p. auriculatum RSF 1458 X griffithianum RSF 92/053
25-016 h.p. [Cadis x (fortunei Lu Shan x Loderi King George)]1 X (Dexter's Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797)
25-017 h.p. [Cadis x (fortunei Lu Shan x Loderi King George)]1 X griffithianum RSF 92/053
25-018 h.p. Campfire Peach X (BFBY2 x Atlantic Gold)
25-019 h.p. Campfire Peach X Kehr's Hardy Loderi
25-020 h.p. Dexter's Honeydew X (Dexter's Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797)
25-021 h.p. fortunei RSF 2942 X maoerense RSF 2013/323
25-022 h.p. Francesca X (BFBY2 x Atlantic Gold)
25-023 h.p. Heritage Main street X Kehr's Hardy Loderi
25-024 h.p. Roseum Elegans X griffithianum RSF 92/053
1 From ARS Seed exchange 2010/376.
2 BFBY = Bob Furman' Best Yellow
John Weagle, Nova Scotia Canada
25-025 o.p. (brachycarpum 'Tong Law' x rex ssp. fictolacteum) Note: isolated
25-026 o.p. dauricum var. nanum 'Compactum Roseum' Note: Comes true
25-027 o.p. Jersey Mammoth1
25-028 h.p. kaempferi ex Hokkaido X sister plant
25-029 o.p. keiskei 'Yaku Fairy'
25-030 o.p. kiusianum Note: mixed colors
25-031 h.p. lutescens JN #00935, selfed
25-032 o.p. mucronulatum 'Cheju'
25-033 o.p. (mucronulatum 'Woodland Pink' x mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink')
25-034 c.w. spinuliferum NN0945 Note: collected near northern limit.
25-035 h.p. Sundust X Gotham Rheingold
1 Jersey Mammoth = brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x macabeanum 'Earl of Stair'
Hannu Saarilati, Finland
25-036 o.p. camtschaticum Note: a mixture of seed from lilac and red plants.
25-037 c.p. Elviira X Böhmen
25-038 c.p. Yaku King X Böhmen
25-039 c.p. Yaku King X pseudochrysanthum Exbury form, RSF1975/189
25-040 c.p. Yaku King X rothschildii, RSF 2003/257
David Cain, Maine USA
25-041 h.p. Scintillation X Acclaim Note: Not emasculated.
25-042 h.p. Hardgrove's Deepest Yellow X Bigger Deal1
25-043 h.p. Scintillation X Hardgrove's Deepest Yellow
25-044 h.p. Wheatley X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-045 h.p. Mark's Purple2 X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-046 h.p. Dark Lord X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-047 h.p. maximum seedling #23 X Hardgrove's Deepest Yellow
25-048 h.p. degronianum ssp. heptamerum X Hardgrove's Deepest Yellow
25-049 h.p. Mark's Purple2 X Dark Lord
25-050 h.p. maximum seedling #33 x Hardgrove's Deepest Yellow
1 Bigger Deal is a tentative name on a plant purchased at Massachusetts chapter.
2 Mark's Purple developed by Mark Stavish at Eastern Plant Specialties. Very large, very hardy purple.
3 Both maximum seedlings purchased from Eastern Plant Specialties, Georgetown, Maine.
Peter Norris, Massachusetts USA
25-051 h.p. Belva's Joy X BFBY1
25-052 h.p. BFBY1 X Belva's Joy
25-053 h.p. BFBY1 X Cheyenne
25-054 o.p. Campfire Belle
25-054A o.p. (Consolini's Windmill x Unique Marmalade) X (Karen Triplett x Big Deal)#3
25-055 h.p. Ed Williams X BFBY1
25-056 o.p. faithiae Note: So late blooming that it is isolated.
25-057 h.p. faithiae X griffithianum
25-058 h.p. Frank Galsworthy X BFBY1
25-059 h.p. Furnivall's Daughter X BFBY1
25-060 o.p. (Hardy Giant X falconeri)
25-061 h.p. Horizon Lakeside X Cheyenne
25-062 h.p. Mary Belle X BFBY1
25-063 o.p. [Peggy's Freckles X (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)]
25-064 o.p. Summer Rose
25-065 h.p. [(Vulcan x Rio) x yellow fortunei] X Cheyenne
25-066 h.p. War Dance X BFBY1
25-067 o.p. (yuefengense x Sally Fuller)
25-068 com. Calycanthus 'Aphrodite' Note: An improvement over 'Hartlage Wine'.
25-069 com. Franklinia alatamaha Note: Cold stratify for 8-10 weeks.
25-070 com. Lobelia cardinalis
1 BFBY = Bob Furman's Best Yellow
Joe Bruso, Massachusetts USA
25-071 h.p. cardiobasis "Alan Clark" X auriculatum Goal: Large, fragrant, white flowers.
25-072 h.p. Lumos1 X Bob Furman's Big Yellow Goal: Large, yellow or tropical-colored flowers.
25-073 h.p. Lumos1 X [(fortunei x anwheiense) x Percy Wiseman (Boulderwoods Peach)] Goal: Peachy flowers.
25-074 h.p. (maximum Red Pic x elegantulum red #1) X pachysanthum Goal: Red max effect, indumentum/tomentum.
25-075 h.p. [Nepal x (fortunei x rex ssp. fictolacteum)] X faithiae 2021RSF2014/103 Goal: Large fragrant mid/late season bloomer.
25-076 o.p. pentaphyllum Note: Comes true from op seed.
25-077 h.p. (Red River x strigillosum) X (makinoi x strigillosum) Goal: Red flowers, thin, bristly leaves/stems.
25-078 h.p. Shrimp Girl X (Cupcake x pachysanthum #1 tall) Goal: Peachy flowers, indumentum ∧ tomentum, compact grower.
25-079 h.p. yakushimanum "Bovee's Dwarf" X pachysanthum Goal: Intense white tomentum on a compact plant.
25-080 h.p. (yakushimanum x ririei #1) X (fortunei Lu Shan x huanum) Goal: Recover deep purple color from ririei ∧ huanum with large flowers.
25-081 h.p. (yakushimanum x ririei #1) X (yakushimanum x ririei #2) Goal: Recover deep purple color from ririei.
25-082 h.p. (yuefengense x platypodum #1) X (yuefengense x platypodum #2) Goal: Round, thick leaves.
1 Lumos = JB X September Song
Thomas Chen, Massachusetts USA
25-083 h.p. asterochnoum RSF 4255 Note: h.p. between two different plants of same species
25-084 h.p. Minnetonka X (fortunei x huanum) Goal: Compact, hardy lavender.
25-085 o.p. Rudy Berg Note: Rudy Berg = oreodoxa x orbiculare.
25-086 h.p. Rudy Berg X Rosevallon Goal: Zone 6 hardy, early red flowers, red foliage.
25-087 h.p. (Tuffet x vernicosum) X Rosevallon Goal: Zone 6 hardy, red foliage.
25-088 h.p. Yummy Yak X (Cupcake x pachysanthum) Goal: dwarf, indumented, interesting flower color.
Kristian Theqvist, Finland
25-089 c.p. Annuska1 X (P.M.A. Tigerstedt x Blue Bell)2 Goal: Purple flowers with strong blotch.
25-090 c.p. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii3 X Silberpfeil14 Goal: Large leaves, strong growth.
25-091 c.p. brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii3 X watsonii5 Goal: Large leaves, strong growth.
25-092 c.p. brachycarpum var. roseum6 X insigne7 Goal: Species F1 cross, low growth, shiny indumentum.
25-093 c.p. Dagmar8 X fortunei9 Goal: Fragrant flowers
25-094 c.p. faberi ssp. prattii10 X watsonii5 Goal: Species F1 cross, large indumented leaves.
25-095 c.p. Haaga11 X faberi ssp. prattii10 Goal: Indumented leaves.
25-096 c.p. Haaga11 X Silberpfeil4 Goal: Large indumented leaves.
25-097 c.p. Gradito12 X Foxy Lady13 Goal: Good indumented leaves.
25-098 c.p. Gradito12 X Silberpfeil4 Goal: Large indumented leaves.
25-099 c.p. Lumotar14 X Loisto15 Goal: Yellow fragrant flowers.
25-100 c.p. Lumotar14 X Weinlese16 Goal: Red fragrant flowers.
25-101 c.p. Pekka17 X faberi ssp. prattii10 Goal: Indumented leaves.
25-102 c.p. Petteri18 X Loisto15 Goal: Orange flowers.
25-103 c.p. pseudochrysanthum20 X smirnowii21 Goal: Species F1 cross, beautiful leaves.
25-104 o.p. Punamax22 Goal: Red maximum
25-105 c.p. Punamax22 X degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense f. micranthum22 Goal: Indumented leaves, red maximum type. 25-106 c.p. Punamax22 X fortunei9 Goal: Species F1 cross, red maximum type, fragrant flowers?
25-107 c.p. smirnowii21 X (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii x auriculatum)24 Goal: Large leaves, fragrant white flowers.
25-108 c.p. smirnowii21 X wardii25 Goal: Species F1 cross, yellow flowers?
1 Annuska: (Hachmann's Charmant X P.M.A. Tigerstedt), a cross by Kristian Theqvist, white flowers with large red orange blotch
2 (P.M.A. Tigerstedt x Blue Bell): a cross by Kristian Theqvist, code name PMABlueB-02, purple flowers with strong dark red purple blotch
3 brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii: robust, cold-hardy shrub with large, leathery, dark green leaves and clusters of white flowers
4 Silberpfeil: (smirnowii X rex), a cross by Gerd Eiting, huge leaves with good indumentum, strong growth, delicate purple flowers changing to white
5 watsonii: shrub or small tree distinguished by its thick, leathery, dark green leaves with a woolly, rust-colored underside and its bell-shaped, creamy white to pale yellow flowers
6 brachycarpum var. roseum: in its dwarf form, native to Hokkaido, is a low growing shrub, having delicate pink flowers with red brown spotting
7 insigne: lower surface of leaves with a compacted fawn indumentum embedded in a shining surface film, widely campanulate pink flowers with a darker median stripe down each lobe
8 Dagmar: decorum X Pink Pearl, a cross by Bohumil Kavka (c. 1965), purple pink fragrant flowers
9 fortunei: large, fragrant-flowered shrub with glossy, oblong leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped, pale pink to white flowers
10 faberi ssp. prattii: compact shrub native to China, known for its leathery, oblong leaves with a dense, rust-colored indumentum beneath, and striking clusters of funnel-shaped, pink to purple flowers
11 Haaga: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X Dr. H. C. Dresselhuys), a hardy cultivar from the Rhododendron Breeding Programmes, carried out by the University of Helsinki in
collaboration with Arboretum Mustila 1973 - 2000, fuchsine pink flowers with dark red spots
12 Gradito: (Blurettia X smirnowii), a hardy cross by Hans Hachmann, bright pink flowers change to white, grayish indumentum
13 Foxy Lady: yakushimanum hybrid, a cross by Bengt Carlsson, yaku type dense growth, thick indumentum, white flowers
14 Lumotar: (Helsinki University X fortunei), a cross by Jussi Lähteenmäki, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist, white fragrant flowers, stamens are petaloid type
15Loisto: (Elsie Maria X Böhmen), a cross by Kristian Theqvist, orange yellow flowers, low growth
16 Weinlese: (Fabia Group x smirnowii) X smirnowii, a cross by Walter Nagel, red flowers, blooms regularly also in the autumn
17 Pekka: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X smirnowii hybrid), a hardy cultivar from the Rhododendron Breeding Programmes, carried out by the University of Helsinki in
collaboration with Arboretum Mustila 1973 - 2000, light pink flowers with brown spotting
18 Petteri: (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X wardii), a cross by P.M.A. Tigerstedt, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist, cream white flowers with red spotting
20 pseudochrysanthum: compact, rounded shrub native to Taiwan, known for its attractive silver-gray foliage with a loose brownish indumentum beneath and clusters of delicate, bell-shaped white to pale pink flowers
21 smirnowii: hardy shrub with thick, leathery, deep green leaves covered in a dense, woolly, silver to rusty-brown indumentum on the underside, and produces showy clusters of pink to purplish-pink flowers
22 Punamax: a selection of red maximum, named and registered by Kristian Theqvist
23 degronianum ssp. heptamerum var. hondoense f. micranthum: a form of degronianum from Kyushu, Japan, featuring relatively large pink flowers and dark red midribs on its indumented leaves
24 (brachycarpum ssp. tigerstedtii X auriculatum), a cross by Jaakko Saarinen, code name BVTAuric-04, very large leaves, large fragrant white flowers
25 wardii: a nice clone from the Kunming-Gothenburg Botanical Expedition 1993, collection number KBG-19, cream yellow flowers with red spotting
Photos and information on hybrids and species used in the crosses: https://www.rhodogarden.com/ARS/Seed2025.html.
Frederick Thurber, Massachusetts USA
25-109 h.p. fortunei RSF 2942 X qiaojiaense RSF 2015/116
25-110 h.p. Daniel's Pleasant Bay Fragrance X (Dexter's Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797) Note: Daniel was a breeder who worked with Dexter Heritage plants.
25-111 h.p. Dexter's Honey Dew X (Dexter's Peppermint x glanduliferum RSF 98/797
Mike McCullough, California USA
25-112 c.w. columbianum Note: Commonly known as western Labrador tea.
25-113 c.w. occidentale - Azalea State Reserve #22041
25-114 c.w. occidentale - Flynn Creek #19032
25-115 c.w. occidentale - GG23
25-116 c.w. occidentale - Hollister Hills State Vehicular Area
25-117 c.w. occidentale - Low Divide #36014
25-118 c.w. occidentale - Mt Tam #13125
25-119 c.w. occidentale - Mt Tam #23036
25-120 c.w. occidentale - Mt Tam #27047
25-121 c.w. occidentale - Patrick's Point #31108
25-122 c.w. occidentale - Portola Redwoods State Park9
25-123 c.w. occidentale - Sea Ranch #160510
25-124 c.w. occidentale - Siskiyou #130711
25-125 c.w. occidentale - Siskiyou #140212
25-126 c.w. occidentale - Siskiyou Eight Dollar Rd13
25-127 c.w. occidentale - Stagecoach Hill
25-128 com. Darlingtonia californica (California pitcher plant)
1 Pink and white candy stripe flower, orange flare. Red tube and red rays on outside of petal.
2 2.5" pink and white candy stripe flower, orange flare.
3 Discovered by Gene German. Tallest occidentale Frank Mossman had seen.
4 Pink and white candy strip flowers, orange flare with pink streak running up the middle.
5 Ten 2.5" white flower, yellow to orange flare, pink tube. Some have 6 petals.
6 White, 7-11 flowers per truss. Yellow flare fades with age.
7 White 2.5" flower, 17 per truss. Orange flare fading to yellow.
8 White 2.25" flower, 16-18 per truss. Yellow flare with faint pink line up middle.
9 White flowers, yellow flare and pink tube.
10 Pink and white candy stripe flower with pink on most upper wing petals. Orange w/ pink flare.
11 White flower, 13 per truss, pink tube, pink lines and yellow flare. Floriferous. Reddish fall foliage.
12 Mostly pastel Pink 2" flower with light yellow throat, 6-12 flower per truss. Reddish fall foliage.
13 Reddish fall foliage.
Ray Clack, Oregon USA
25-129 o.p. arizelum
25-130 o.p. arizelum Rock #102
25-131 o.p. Betty Anderson
25-132 o.p. calendulaceum #1
25-133 o.p. calendulaceum #2
25-134 o.p. Chemainus
25-135 o.p. Cheyenne
25-135A o.p. Clear Creek Note: A named Aromi hybrid.
25-136 o.p. Cool house purple
25-137 o.p. denudatum
25-138 o.p. Elephant Ears
25-139 o.p. Ellie Green
25-140 o.p. Loderi King George
25-141 o.p. Loderi Sir Edmund
25-142 o.p. nuttallii
25-143 o.p. vernicosum
25-144 o.p. wilsoniae
25-145 o.p. Noyo Brave
25-146 o.p. Perfectly Pink
25-147 o.p. (degronianum ssp. yakushimanum x bureavii)
Rhododendron Species Botanical Garden, Washington USA
25-148 h.p. arboreum ssp. delavayi (high altitude form) 2006/434/ SEH #224
25-149 h.p. argyrophyllum ssp. hypoglaucum
25-150 h.p. asterochnoum 981457 X asterochnoum 981652
25-151 h.p. barbatum 75/253
25-152 h.p. basilicum 2013/432 SEH#25070 X 2008/282 KR#7532
25-153 h.p. brevinerve 2017/183 CDHM #14627
25-154 h.p. calophytum var. openshawianum (narrow leaf form) 2000/150 SEH#104 X 2000/166 SEH#104
25-155 h.p. (campylocarpum x thomsonii) X griffithianum (i.e. Penjerrick Group)
25-156 h.p. cardiobasis (the real thing)
25-157 h.p. cardiobasis (the real thing) X griffithianum
25-158 h.p. cinnabarinum ssp. cinnabarinum 2006/336 KCSH#0365
25-159 h.p. coeloneuron (best foliage form) 2000/255 SEH#122 X 2000/254 SEH#122
25-160 h.p. coryanum (pink flowered) 2003/167 KR #1365
25-161 h.p. crinigerum
25-162 h.p. decorum X griffithianum 2008/228 KCSH#0390
25-163 h.p. decorum ssp. decorum 2001/252 DJHC #98134 X decorum ssp. decorum
25-163A h.p. decorum ssp. decorum
25-164 h.p. denudatum 139 SD 2004 X denudatum 98/666
25-165 h.p. faithiae 2014/113 CGG#14142 X 2014/011 CGG#14142
25-166 h.p. fortunei ssp. fortunei selfed (round leaf form)
25-166A h.p. fortunei ssp. fortunei 79/160 x 2008/401
25-167 h.p. fulvum 801079
25-168 h.p. glanduliferum 98/626 X 98/671 SEH#174 (Yunnan or "type" form, flowering in late summer)
25-169 h.p. grande 66/554 X 81/109
25-170 h.p. griersonianum 77-284
25-171 h.p. griffithianum 2008/450 X griffithianum 2008/464 KC #0101
25-172 h.p. guihainianum 2022/192 CDHM #14674
25-173 h.p. hemsleyanum 94/409
25-174 h.p. irroratum ssp. yilriangense 98/1667 X 98/466
25-175 h.p. kesangiae 91/022 BB#8819
25-175A h.p. kesangiae 206/1248 CS#0362 X kesangiae 2003/006 BB#8827
25-176 h.p. lanatum 2016/257
25-177 h.p. levinei 2018/018 CGG#14162
25-178 h.p. liliiflorum 2012/052 CGG#14066
25-179 h.p. lindleyi 2000/253 BB#8840
25-180 h.p. Loderi Group 'Venus' X Loderi Group 'Irene Stead' (pink on pink)
25-181 h.p. macabeanum 96/016 X macabeanum 96/025
25-182 h.p. maddenii ssp. maddenii (Polyandrum Group X 'Pink Trumpets') Note: Pink Trumpets is not a hybrid name
25-183 h.p. morii Red Bud 77/377 X morii 77/377
25-184 h.p. nipponicum
25-185 h.p. niveum 99/520 x #2463
25-186 h.p. ochraceum
25-187 h.p. oligocarpum 2015/075 CGG #14057 X oligocarpum 2023/152 CGG#14057
25-188 h.p. orbiculare
25-189 h.p. pentaphyllum
25-190 h.p. pingianum 98/042 X pingianum 99/114 SEH#055
25-191 h.p. platypodum X yuefengense
25-192 h.p. polytrichum 2017/312 JN#12380
25-193 h.p. praevernum
25-194 h.p. quinquefolium
25-195 h.p. schlippenbachii 80/163 selfed
25-196 h.p. semnoides 3002/200 TO#9202
25-197 h.p. sinofalconeri 2000/191 X sinofalconeri 2000/188 SEH#229
25-198 h.p. strigillosum
25-199 h.p. taggianum 2001/031 CCHH #8108 X 2001/123 CCHH #8108
25-200 h.p. thomsonii selfed 71/617
25-201 c.w. wallichii 2007/345 KUSH #10364
25-202 c.w. watsonii
25-203 c.w. wiltonii withdrawn
25-204 h.p. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) glaucous foliage, blue foliage form
25-205 h.p. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) late spring, dark purple flowers, dwarf form
25-206 h.p. benhallii (Menziesia ciliicalyx) early spring, cream flowers
25-207 com. Enkianthus chinensis red fruit form
Bob Zimmerman, Washington USA
25-208 h.p. degronianum ssp. yakushimanum ex seedlings from RSBG seed
25-209 h.p. denudatum ex ZHNP 139
25-210 h.p. moupinense reddest forms yet x sibling
25-211 h.p. pachysanthum Buckskin X Cox seedling
25-212 h.p. souliei ex ZHNP
25-213 o.p. williamsianum
25-214 o.p. wiltonii Note: From a grove of three mature wiltonii.
25-215 o.p. yuefengense
Jaakko Saarinen, Finland
25-216 h.p. japonicum Note: Salmon-orange forms in Arboretum Mustila.
25-217 h.p. Sun Fire X Ted's Cream Cracker Goal: Late with unusual color-combinations.
25-218 h.p. Alexey X yuefengense Goal: Late and compact with large flowers.
Jeff Thompson, Massachusetts USA
25-219 h.p. Anah Kruschke X fortunei1 Goal: hardy fragrant purple.
25-220 h.p. fortunei1 selfed Goal: fragrant
25-221 h.p. fortunei1 X Dick Brooks Goal: fragrant pink pink, good foliage.
25-222 h.p. fortunei1 X Dorothy Swift Goal: indumentum and fragrant.
25-223 h.p. Francesca X fortunei1 Goal: moderately hardy (zone 5), fragrant red.
25-224 h.p. Morning Cloud X Today & Tomorrow
25-225 h.p. Neato X brachycarpum
25-226 h.p. Neato X degronianum ssp. heptamerum2
1 Nearing form.
2 AKA metternichii.
Thomasz Cyba, Poland
25-227 h.p. Apollonia X farinosum
25-228 h.p. Apollonia X Great Dane
25-229 h.p. Dotella X Spätlese Goal: large red flowers on a fortunei-like plant.
25-230 h.p. Ken Janeck X Great Dane
25-231 h.p. (fortunei ssp. discolor x yuefengense) X yakushimanum Schneekissen
25-232 h.p. yakushimanum Schneekissen X Jersey Mammoth
Lloyd Gilmore, British Columbia Canada
25-233 h.p. [Apricot Fantasy x (Horizon Lakeside x Parksville Sunset)] X [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Stark)]
25-234 h.p. [Apricot Fantasy x (Horizon Lakeside x Parksville Sunset)]#2 X [(Jeda x Dexter's Spice) x (Marie Starks x flinkii)]
25-235 h.p. [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Starks)] yellow X [Champagne Lace x (Butter Brickle x Marie Starks)] orange
25-236 h.p. [Champagne Lace x (decorum Cox #732 2006 x Dexter's Spice)] X (Pure Pleasure x Dexter's Peppermint)
25-237 h.p. [(Jeda x sanguineum var. haemaleum) x Brigadoon] X Rubicon
25-238 c.w. macrophyllum Manning Park
25-239 h.p. (Many Moons x macageanum)#2 X (Many Moons x Jeda) Note: memori Paul Wurz.
25-240 h.p. (Pure Pleasure x Dexter's Peppermint) X (decorum Cox #732 2006 seedling x Dexter's Spice)