Rhododendron of the Year Plant Awards: 2023 North East USA and Canada Region |
Elepidote Rhododendron: 'Babylon' Flower satin white with a deep red blotch in throat, openly funnel-shaped, 4"-5" across. Blooms early midseason. Leaves large, glossy, medium green. Dense, rounded plant habit with rigid branches. Grows to a typical height of 5 ft. tall in 10 years. Hardy to -10°F (-23°C). Hybridizer by Reuthe. |
Lepidote Rhododendron: R. 'Mary Fleming' Flower cream flushed strong to light purplish pink, darker blotch in throat, campanulate-shaped, wavy edged, about 1" across. Buds hold 2 or 3 flowers. Blooms early midseason. Leaves approximately 2" long, dull, dark green. Leaves are bronze when new and in the winter. Plant is sun and heat tolerant. Typical height: 2 ft. in 10 years. Plant is hardy to -15°F (-26°C). Prefers some shade for best performance. Hybridized by Nearing. |
Evergreen Azalea: 'Komo Kulshan' Flower vivid purplish red, lighter in center, funnel-shaped, 1" across. A late midseason bloomer. Leaves elliptic, textured, about 1" long, mid green. Has a spreading growth habit. Grows to a height of 2 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -10° F (-23° C). Selected form of R. kiusianum. |
Deciduous Azalea: 'Jane Abbott' Flower strong yellowish pink, with a gold blotch, openly funnel-shaped, about 4" across, fragrant. Blooms late midseason to late before leaves appear. Leaves narrowly elliptic, glossy, mid green, deciduous. Leaves red colored in Fall. Upright, open growth habit. Grows to a height of about 5 ft. in 10 years. Plant and bud hardy to -25°F (-32°C). Hybridized by Abbott. |
Photos (top to bottom) by Steve Henning, June Bouchard, Sally and John Perkins, Sally and John Perkins. |
Prior Years Selections for North East USA Region