Twenty-nine rhododendrons selected for their adaptability in eight
regions of the United States and Canada have been awarded Rhododendron of the Year (ROY)
honors. To be selected for a ROY award a plant must have
excellent foliage and flowers, have an attractive plant habit, be pest and disease resistant
and be cold hardy for the region.
For each region,
the Plant Award Committee has chosen four plants - an elepidote
Large leafed, large-sized plants at maturity, that do not have scales on the underside of the
leaves. and a lepidoteSmall leafed, usually low growing plants,
often bloom earlier than elepidotes, with small scales on the leaf undersides. rhododendron, a
deciduous azalea Small, thin leafed plants in subgenus Pentanthera, that
shed their leaves at the end of the growing season. and an
evergreen azalea Small, thin leafed plants in subgenus Tsutsusi, that retains its
foliage throughout the year. For the warm weather Hawaii/Southern California region a
vireya Tropical plants with bright, colorful flowers in subgenus Vireya.
rhododendron has been selected.
Use the links in the box on the right to view the ROY
selections for each region. See slide show of selected current year ROY plants.
View ROY plants for U.S. region:
• Great Lakes
• Mid-Atlantic
• North East
• North West
• South Central
• South East
• South West
• Southern California/Hawaii