Vireya Rhododendrons

Rhododendron himantodes

Vireya Species Gallery: A


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Rhododendron abietifolium
Rhododendron abietifolium
Section Euvireya: Subsection Malesia
Height - 3m - terrestrial
Leaves - narrowly elliptic to linear - 3.2 x 0.6cm
Flowers - tubular below, sub-campanulate towards the mouth - pink with a violet tinge
2.5cm long x 3.4cm across the corolla - up to 4 per umbel
Location - Borneo: Mt Kinabalu - 3160-3650m
Epithet - Alluding to the narrow leaves superficially looking like those of an Abies conifer.

Rhododendron acrophilum Rhododendron acrophilum Rhododendron acrophilum
Rhododendron acrophilum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Malesia
Height - 1m - terrestrial
Leaves - oblong-elliptic 5 x 2cm
Flowers - tubular-funnel-shaped - 3cm - up to 5 per umbel
Location - Philippines: Palawan; Mt.Mantalingahan - 1725m
Epithet - "summit-loving"

Rhododendron acuminatum Rhododendron acuminatum
Rhododendron acuminatum
Section Malayovireya
Height - to 6m - mostly terrestrial
Leaves - ovate-acuminate - 12 x 6cm
Flowers - tubular to narrowly funnel-shaped - orange or red - 3.4cm - up to 15 per umbel
Location - Borneo: Sabah, G.Kinabalu - 1830-3350m
Epithet - referring to the pointed (acuminate) leaf tips of this species

Rhododendron adinophyllum Rhododendron adinophyllum Rhododendron adinophyllum
Rhododendron adinophyllum
Section Discovireya
Height - to 1.0m - terrestrial
Leaves - narrowly elliptic - 1.2 x 0.5cm
Flowers - tubular - 2.1cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - N.Sumatra - 2600-3450m
Epithet - "close leaf" - alluding to the densely leafy stems

Rhododendron aequabile Rhododendron aequabile Rhododendron aequabile
Rhododendron aequabile
Section Albovireya
Height - 4m - mostly terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic 9 x 4cm - bronze scaly covering on new growth
Flowers - campanulate - 4cm - up to 18 per umbel
Location - Sumatra: Mts. Singgalang, Kerintji & Pesagi - 2300-2870m
Epithet - "uniform"

Rhododendron agathodaemonis
Rhododendron agathodaemonis
Section Siphonovireya
Height - 6m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic to obovate-elliptic - 7.5 x 4.8cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped, broadest just above the middle - 10cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - W. New Guinea: Mt Agathodaemontop in Hellwig Mts, Mts Hubrecht and Wichman
near Lake Habbema; Papua New Guinea: Wesk Sepik, Telefomin and W of Oksapmin
Epithet - Alluding to the narrow leaves superficially looking like those of an Abies conifer.

Rhododendron alborugosum Rhododendron alborugosum Rhododendron alborugosum
Rhododendron alborugosum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 3m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 8 x 3.7cm - bullate
Flowers - tubular 4.6cm - up to 10 per umbel - scented
Location - Borneo: S.Kalimatan, Mt.Halauhalau (G.Besar) - 1400-1800m
Epithet - alluding to the similarity to R. rugosum but with white flowers

Rhododendron album Rhododendron album Rhododendron album
Rhododendron album
Section Albovireya
Height - 1m - epiphytic
Leaves - narrowly elliptic - 10 x 3cm
Flowers - campanulate - 1.8cm - up to 13 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W.Java; Mts. Salak, Gedeh & Telaga - 1200-1700m
Epithet - alluding to flower colour

Rhododendron alticola Rhododendron alticola
Rhododendron alticola
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 3m - terrestrial
Leaves - obovate to elliptic - 9 x 2.5cm
Flowers - curved tubular-funnel-shaped - 6cm - up to 6 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Morobe & Central Districts - 2600-3600m
Epithet - "dwelling in the heights"

Rhododendron anagalliflorum Rhododendron anagalliflorum
Rhododendron anagalliflorum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Linnaeopsis
Height - 0.15m - epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 0.7 x 0.25cm
Flowers - funnel-shaped - 1.8cm - solitary
Location - Indonesia: New Guinea: Mt.Carstenz to
Papua New Guinea: Bismark Mts. & Wahgi-Jimmy Divide & New Britain: Mt.Lululua
Epithet - "with flowers like an Anagallis"

Rhododendron apoanum Rhododendron apoanum Rhododendron apoanum
Rhododendron apoanum
Section Malayovireya
Height - 1m - mostly terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic to obovate-elliptic - 11 x 4cm
Flowers - tubular - 2cm - up to 15 per umbel
Location - Philippines: Mindanao: Mt. Apo, Mt.McKinley, Mt.Lipa, Katanglad Mts., Mt.Urdaneta
Epithet - "from Mount Apo", where it was first collected.

Rhododendron archboldianum
Rhododendron archboldianum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 3m - mostly epiphytic
Leaves - ovate to elliptic-ovate - 11 x 6cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped - slightly curved - 5cm - up to 15 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Mts Tafa and Suckling - 2400m
Epithet - after Richard Archbold, American philanthropist and explorer who financed the
expedition on which this plant was found.

Rhododendron arenicola
Rhododendron arenicola
Section Albovireya
Height - 2m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 4 x 2.6cm
Flowers - tubular-campanulate - 2.7cm - up to 13 per umbel
Location - Sulawesi: Latimodjong Range - 2600-3000m
Epithet - "dweller on sand"

Rhododendron arfakianum
Rhododendron arfakianum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 2.5m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - obovate-elliptic - 10 x 4.5cm
Flowers - tubular - curved - 3.5cm - up to 10 per umbel
Location - W. New Guinea: Arfak & Nettoti Mts. - 1200-2135m
Epithet - after the mountains where this species is found.

Rhododendron armitii Rhododendron armitii Rhododendron armitii
Rhododendron armitii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 2.5m - terrestrial
Leaves - broadly elliptic - 10 x 6cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped - 6cm - up to 7 per umbel - scented
Location - Papua New Guinea: Mt. Dayman, Mt. Suckling, Mt. Vineuo, Goodenough Island
Epithet - after Wm. E. de M. Armit, 1848-1901, of Belgium, who led Argus expedition to
Papua in 1883 on which this species was collected.

Rhododendron aurigeranum Rhododendron aurigeranum Rhododendron aurigeranum
Rhododendron aurigeranum ssp. aurigeranum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 4m - mostly terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 14 x 6cm
Flowers - funnel-shaped - 8cm - orange-yellow fading to yellow - up to 14 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Morobe Province - 915-1740m
Epithet - alluding to gold-mining area in which it was found.