Vireya Rhododendrons

Rhododendron himantodes

Vireya Species Gallery: J


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Rhododendron jasminiflorum Rhododendron jasminiflorum Rhododendron jasminiflorum
Rhododendron jasminiflorum ssp. jasminiflorum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 2.5m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - obovate-elliptic - 6 x 3.6cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped - 5cm - up to 15 per umbel - sweetly scented
Location - Malaysia: Johore, Mt. Ophir, Mt. Ledang - 1100-1500m
Epithet - "with flowers like a Jasminum"

Rhododendron javanicum Rhododendron javanicum Rhododendron javanicum
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. javanicum
Section Euvireya; Subsection Euvireya
Height - 5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 15 x 5cm
Flowers - usually orange with red or violet markings in throat, occasionally yellow -
funnel-shaped - 5cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: Sumatra, Java to Bali - 800-2550m
Epithet - "from Java"

Rhododendron javanicum
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. javanicum (yellow form)
Section Euvireya; Subsection Euvireya
Height - 5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 15 x 5cm
Flowers - usually orange with red or violet markings in throat, occasionally yellow -
funnel-shaped - 5cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: Sumatra, Java to Bali - 800-2550m
Epithet - "from Java"

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. brookeanum
Section Euvireya; Subsection Euvireya
Height - 4m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 25 x 8cm
Flowers - orange-pink with white or cream centre, or yellow - funnel-shaped - 8cm -
up to 14 per umbel
Location - Brunei; Malaysia: Sarawak & Sabah; Indonesia: Kalimantan - 0-1525m
Epithet - sp. "from Java"; ssp. after Sir James Brooke, 1803-1868, Rajah of Sarawak.

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. gracile
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. gracile
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 2m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - narrowly elliptic - 15 x 5cm
Flowers - pale yellow, orange - funnel-shaped - 5cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - Brunei; Malaysia: Sabah & Sarawak; Indonesia: Kalimantan. Widespread - 0-1500m
Epithet - sp. "from Java"; ssp. L. "slender", the leaves being narrower in this form.

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. kinabaluense
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. kinabaluense
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - to 2.5m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 20 x 7cm
Flowers - bi-coloured, orange lobes with yellow tube - funnel-shaped - 8cm - up to 25 per umbel
Location - Malaysia: Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu & Crocker Range - 1000-1800m
Epithet - sp. "from Java"; ssp. "from Kinabalu"

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. moultonii
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. moultonii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 2m - epiphytic or terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 25 x 8cm
Flowers - yellow or orange - funnel-shaped - 8cm - up to 14 per umbel
Location - Malaysia: Sarawak: Mt. Derian, Mt. Dulit, Mt. Muler;
Sabah: Long Pasia, Sugut & G. Alab;
Epithet - sp. "from Java"; ssp. after J.C. Moulton, who first collected this plant.

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. palawanense
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. palawanense
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 1.5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - narrowly-elliptic - 20 x 7cm
Flowers - bi-coloured, orange-pink with yellow tube forming a yellow "star" in the mouth -
funnel-shaped - 10cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - Philippines: Palawan Island, Mt. Mantalingajan - 300-2600m
Epithet - "from Java"; ssp. - from Palawan Island

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. schadenbergii
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. schadenbergii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 1.5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - narrowly elliptic - 11 x 6cm
Flowers - red or pink - funnel-shaped - 4.5cm - up to 6 per umbel
Location - Philippines: Luzon, Camiguin de Misamis, Jolo, Mindanao
Epithet - "from Java"; ssp. - after Dr. Alexander Schadenberg, German ethnologist.

Rhododendron javanicum ssp. teysmannii
Rhododendron javanicum ssp. teysmannii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 15 x 5cm
Flowers - usually orange with red or violet markings in throat, occasionally yellow -
funnel-shaped - 5cm - up to 12 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: Sumatra, Java to Bali; Malaysia: West - 800-2000m
Epithet - "from Java"; ssp. after Johannes Teysmann, 1808-1882, Curator of Buitenzorg
(Bogor) Botanic Garden.