Vireya Rhododendrons

Rhododendron himantodes

Vireya Species Gallery: C


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Rhododendron caespitosum Rhododendron caespitosum Rhododendron caespitosum
Rhododendron caespitosum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Linnaeopsis
Height - 2cm (up tp 20cm spread) - epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 0.6 x 0.3cm
Flowers - pale pink - cylindrical - 1.2cm - solitary
Location - Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Mt. Trichora, Lake Habbema area - 2400-3500m
Epithet - "tufted"

Rhododendron caliginis Rhododendron caliginis Rhododendron caliginis
Rhododendron caliginis
Section Phaeovireya
Height - 0.5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - linear - 7 x 0.6cm
Flowers - creamy-white or pale pink - curved tubular - densely scaly - 3.5cm - usually solitary
Location - Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Koruppen Valley;
Papua New Guinea: West Sepik & Enga Provinces - 2400-2900m
Epithet - from Latin for "mist", alluding to conditions where species first found.

Rhododendron carrii
Rhododendron carrii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 2m - mostly epiphytic
Leaves - ovate - 6 x 5.5cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped, slightly curved - 6cm - up to 5 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Mt. Victoria - 2440m
Epithet - after Cedric E. Carr of New Zealand, 1892-1936, orchid collector in S.E.Asia

Rhododendron carringtoniae Rhododendron carringtoniae Rhododendron carringtoniae
Rhododendron carringtoniae
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - to 5m - terrestrial
Leaves - obovate - 8 x 4.5cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped, curved - 7cm - scented - up to 6 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Mts. Obree, Victoria, Suckling & Dayman - 1830-2440m
Epithet - after Lady Carrington, wife of a former British Government representative in
New Guinea

Rhododendron celebicum Rhododendron celebicum Rhododendron celebicum
Rhododendron celebicum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 1.5m - epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 7 x 3cm
Flowers - tubular - 4.6cm - up to 8 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: Sulawesi: Minahasa - 1800-2600m
Epithet - "of Celebes", now Sulawesi

Rhododendron christi Rhododendron christi Rhododendron christi
Rhododendron christi
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 1.2m - epiphytic
Leaves - ovate, the base cordate - 11 x 6.5cm
Flowers - curved tubular - 4.5cm - up to 5 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: widespread;
Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Wamena River, Ibele Valley - 1200-3000m
Epithet - after Konrad H. Christ, 1833-1933, Swiss botanist

Rhododendron christianae Rhododendron christianae Rhododendron christianae
Rhododendron christianae
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - to 3m - terrestrial
Leaves - broadly elliptic - 7.5 x 4.5cm
Flowers - tubular - 3.5cm - up to 5 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Milne Bay District - 600-1525m
Epithet - after the mother of Rev. Norman Cruttwell, Christian Cruttwell, who worked as a
missionary in New Guinea.

Rhododendron citrinum Rhododendron citrinum Rhododendron citrinum
Rhododendron citrinum var. citrinum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Malesia
Height - to 2m - epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 6 x 3cm
Flowers - campanulate - 1.9cm - slightly scented - up to 4 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W. Java & Bali - 1000-2900m
Epithet - "lemon-yellow"

Rhododendron commonae Rhododendron commonae Rhododendron commonae
Rhododendron commonae
Section Euvireya: Subsection Malesia
Height - to 6m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 4.3 x 2.2cm
Flowers - deep red, pink, pale yellow or white - curved tubular - 3.5cm - up to 6 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Mt. Jaya; Papua New Guinea: Western, Eastern &
Southern Highlands & Morobe Provinces - 1800-4000m
Epithet - from being locally plentiful

Rhododendron cornu-bovis
Rhododendron cornu-bovis
Section Euvireya: Subsection Malesia
Height - 2m - terrestrial
Leaves - obovate-elliptic - 4 x 1.4cm
Flowers - tubular-funnel-shaped - 2.5cm - up to 3 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Waigeou Island, Mt. Nok - 860m
Epithet - after the top of Mt. Nok (Buffelhoorn in Dutch), i.e. horn of a buffalo

Rhododendron correoides
Rhododendron correoides
Section Albovireya
Height - to 4m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic or sub-obovate - 3.5 x 1.7cm
Flowers - tubular - 3.2cm - up to 5 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W. New Guinea: Main Range from Mt Jaya (Carstensz), Hubrecht & Orange Mts to Mt Trichora (Wilhelmina) - 3100-4300m
Epithet - resembling Correa, Australian trees.

Rhododendron crassifolium Rhododendron crassifolium Rhododendron crassifolium
Rhododendron crassifolium var. crassifolium
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 2.5m - mostly epiphytic
Leaves - elliptic - 14 x 8cm - distinctively puckered with raised midrib
Flowers - mostly pink to red, also orange and white - funnel-shaped - 3cm - up to 20 per umbel
Location - Malaysia: Sabah & Sarawak; Indonesia: Kalimantan - 1200-2200m
Epithet - "with thick leaves"

Rhododendron cruttwellii Rhododendron cruttwellii
Rhododendron cruttwellii
Section Euvireya: Subsection Solenovireya
Height - 6m - terrestrial
Leaves - obovate-elliptic - 10 x 4.0 cm
Flowers - trumpet-shaped, tube slightly curved - 7cm - up to 9 per umbel
Location - Papua New Guinea: Maneau Range - 1860-2600m
Epithet - after the Rev. Canon Norman Cruttwell, missionary and plant collector in P.N.G.

Rhododendron culminicola Rhododendron culminicola
Rhododendron culminicola var. culminicola
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 8m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 8 x 4.5cm
Flowers - tubular - bright red or purplish - 4.5cm - up to 9 per umbel
Location - Indonesia & Papua New Guinea: widespread - 2400-4000m
Epithet - "summit-dwelling"

Rhododendron culminicola
Rhododendron culminicola var. angiense
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 8m - terrestrial
Leaves - elliptic - 8 x 4.5cm
Flowers - tubular - bright red or purplish - 4.5cm - up to 9 per umbel
Location - Indonesia & Papua New Guinea: widespread - 2400-4000m
Epithet - sp: "summit-dwelling"; var: after the Anggi Lakes where the type specimen originated
Differs from var. culminicola in having smaller, more rounded scales, corollas to 3.5cm and
smaller fruits.

Rhododendron cuneifolium
Rhododendron cuneifolium var. cuneifolium
Section Discovireya
Height - 2m - terrestrial
Leaves - narrowly obovate - 3.0 x 0.7cm
Flowers - tubular - 2cm - solitary or in pairs
Location - Malaysia: Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu and Mt. Alab - 1500-2800m
Epithet - sp.-"with wedge-shaped leaves"

Rhododendron cuneifolium
Rhododendron cuneifolium var. microcarpum
Section Discovireya
Height - 2m - terrestrial
Leaves - narrowly obovate - 0.8 x 0.25cm
Flowers - tubular - 1.3cm - solitary or in pairs
Location - Malaysia: Sabah: Mt. Trus Madi - 2300m
Epithet - sp.-"with wedge-shaped leaves"; var.-"small-fruited"
Differs from var. cuneifolium in having smaller leaves and fruits.

Rhododendron curviflorum Rhododendron curviflorum Rhododendron curviflorum
Rhododendron curviflorum
Section Euvireya: Subsection Euvireya
Height - 2.5m - terrestrial or epiphytic
Leaves - ovate-elliptic - 13 x 7cm - stiff - coriaceous
Flowers - curved tubular - 6.5cm - up to 11 per umbel
Location - Indonesia: W.New Guinea: Keyts Mts. & Bele River - 1900-2700m
Epithet - "with curved flowers"