Rhododendron of the Year Plant Awards: 2007 Great Lakes USA Region |
Elepidote Rhododendron: 'Calsap' Flower white with a dark red blotch, reverse flushed very pale purple, tubular funnel-shaped, wavy edges, 2¾" across. Conical-shaped truss holds 18 flowers. Blooms late midseason. Leaves oblong shaped with apiculate apex and cuneate base, convex, 5½" long, emerald green, retained 2 years. Plant needs some sun for dense habit. Grows to a typical height of 4 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -25°F (-32°C). Hybridized by Michener. |
Lepidote Rhododendron: 'Milestone' Flower vivid purplish pink, holding intensity until maturity, openly funnel-shaped, frilly lobes, 2" across. Held in trusses of 3-10 flowers. Blooms early midseason. Leaves oblong, with acute apex and cuneate base, about 1" long, glossy, medium green with rust-colored scaly indumentum, mahogany-colored in winter. Foliage retention 10-20% in winter. Dense, compact growth habit. Prefers some sun. Grows to a typical height of 3 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -15°F (-26°C). Hybridized by Mezitt. |
Evergreen Azalea: 'Bixby' Flower red, unmarked, openly funnel-shaped, wavy edges, 1¼" across. Flatted, dome-shaped truss with 3 flowers. Blooms late midseason. Leaves obovate shaped with mucronate apex and cuneate base, concave, bullate, light green colored, retained for 2 years. Dense, compact and spreading plant habit. Typically grows 2 ft. high in 10 years. Cold hardy to -20°F (-29°C). Hybridized by Mezitt. |
Deciduous Azalea: 'Cecile' Flower salmon pink with yellow blotch on upper lobe, tubular funnel-shaped, 3" to 5" across. Ball-shaped, dense truss contains 8-11 flowers. Blooms midseason to late midseason. Leaves elliptic with acute apex and cuneate base, deciduous. Upright, open habit. Grows to a height of 6 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -5°F (-21°C). Initially raised by Lionel de Rothschild. |
Photos (top to bottom) by Don Hyatt, Sally and John Perkins, Sally and John Perkins, Jim Whillhite. |
Prior Years Selections for Great Lakes USA Region |