Rhododendron of the Year Plant Awards: 2009 Great Lakes USA Region |
Elepidote Rhododendron: 'Pearce's American Beauty' Flower strong purplish red with yellowish green spots and three dorsal white rays from base to spots, openly funnel-shaped, frilly edges, 3" across. Ball-shaped trusses hold 18 flowers. Blooms very late. Leaves elliptic, flat, acute apex, cuneate base, 7" long, yellow-green, retained 2-3 years. Broad habit with decumbent branches. Reaches a typical height of 6 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Hybridized by Pearce. |
Lepidote Rhododendron: 'Angel Powder' Flower white with yellowish green dorsal spots, widely funnel-shaped, frilly, 2⅛" across. Held in multiple terminal buds each with 6 flowers. Blooms midseason. Leaves broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 3⅜" long. Upright plant habit. Reaches a typical height of 3 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -15ºF (-26ºC). Hybridized by Delp. |
Evergreen Azalea: 'White Rosebud' Flower white with green throat, double, about 2" across, with about 40 lobes. Lax truss holds 1-4 flowers. Blooms midseason. Leaves elliptic, obtuse apex, cuneate base, 1" long, glossy, bullate, mid green, held for 2-3 years. Dense, slow-growing plant. Upright growth habit. Grows to about 3 ft. in 10 years. Cold hardy to -10°F (-23°C). Hybridized by Kehr. |
Deciduous Azalea: 'Narcissiflorum' Flower double, light yellow, deeper in center, with faint pink tinge at edges, fragrant, tubular funnel-shaped, 1⅛" across. Ball-shaped truss holds 10 flowers. Mildew resistant. Blooms midseason. Leaves 3" long, mid green. Upright plant habit. Grows approximately 6 ft. tall in 10 years. Cold hardy to -15°F (-26°C). Hybridized by Rinz. Received the Award of Merit and the First Class Certificate from the Royal Horticultural Society. |
Photos (top to bottom) by Lloyd Newcomb, Tony Greco, Boris Bauer, Sally and John Perkins. |
Prior Years Selections for Great Lakes USA Region |